Golden Emptiness: A Friend in General Overview

A Friend

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): "A person is influenced by the religion of their close companion, so one should be careful in choosing their friends." (HR. Abu Dawud (202 H - 275 H: 73 tahun). 

Imam Al-Ghazali: Gathering with greedy people and associating with them will increase greed, while gathering with those who are content with little and associating with them will reduce attachment to the world.

Carl Jung: "We may think that we fully control ourselves. However, a friend can easily reveal something about us that we have absolutely no idea about."

Most People: If you want to find a friend, don't look at the office or workplace; find them when they are always there for you, even in difficult times.

A friend is a reflection of oneself. When looking into a mirror, there lies the image of a friend. Someone who laughs and cries together, even when the mirror is cracked, what is reflected in the mirror will not be seen.

Main Points

Carl Jung's statement emphasizes the profound influence friends can have on our self-awareness. Despite our beliefs that we fully understand ourselves, friends can shed light on aspects of our personality or behavior that we may be oblivious to. This highlights the importance of close relationships in our personal growth and understanding.

The advice from most people underscores the significance of companionship during challenging times. True friends are those who stand by us through thick and thin, offering support and companionship when we need it most. This suggests that genuine friendships are forged through shared experiences and mutual reliance, rather than merely through convenience or proximity.

Prophet Muhammad's guidance highlights the critical role friends play in shaping our character and values. It emphasizes the importance of surrounding ourselves with individuals who embody the qualities and beliefs we aspire to uphold. Choosing companions who align with our moral and spiritual principles can positively influence our behavior and outlook on life.

The analogy of a friend being a mirror reinforces the idea that friends reflect our own characteristics and behaviors back to us. Just as a mirror faithfully reflects our image, true friends reflect our joys, sorrows, and experiences. The metaphorical "cracked mirror" symbolizes the imperfections and challenges within friendships, yet even in moments of conflict or difficulty, genuine friendships endure.

Imam Al-Ghazali's advice further explores the impact of social circles on our attitudes and values. Associating with individuals who prioritize material wealth can fuel our own desires for worldly possessions, while spending time with those who prioritize spiritual fulfillment can cultivate contentment and detachment from materialism. This highlights the importance of choosing friends who align with our personal values and aspirations for personal and spiritual growth.


In conclusion, the wisdom shared by Carl Jung, Prophet Muhammad, most people, and Imam Al-Ghazali collectively emphasizes the profound significance of friendships in our lives. Friends serve as mirrors, revealing hidden aspects of ourselves and influencing our beliefs, values, and behavior. They stand by us during our toughest moments, offering support and companionship. Therefore, it is crucial to choose our friends wisely, seeking those who align with our moral, spiritual, and personal aspirations. Genuine friendships, built on mutual respect, shared experiences, and common values, contribute to our growth, self-awareness, and overall well-being. By surrounding ourselves with uplifting and supportive companions, we not only enrich our lives but also nurture the best versions of ourselves.

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Hadits Abu Daud Nomor 4193 - Kumpulan Hadits | Ilmu Islam 

Imam Al-Ghazali dalam kitab Tuhfah al-Ahwadzi


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